Kitchen Tool Review Microwave Ovens

Best Countertop Microwave Ovens

Countertop Microwave Oven Review

What’s The Most Underused Tool In Your Kitchen

Microwave Oven

Ask that question of just about anyone, and they will likely tell you they don’t know.

Dig a little deeper, and I’d be willing to bet you’ll discover it’s the microwave oven sitting on the counter or mounted above the stove.

The Truth Can Set You Free

– Not Social Media

If you choose to look at facts rather than scare tactics, designed only to get more shares. The truth may surprise you.

“Microwave Ovens Are Safe To Use”
Yep, I said it, and I know that goes against every rumor ever posted on Facebook, Twitter, or other social media Scare-Oligist outlet.

You could try starting with the Food and Drug Administration, also known as the FDA. They’ve set a standard for microwave ovens sold in the United States. The federal standard (21 CFR 1030.10) limits the amount of microwave energy that can leak from a microwave oven throughout its lifetime to just 5-milliwatts (mW) of microwave radiation per square centimeter at approximately 2 inches from the oven surface.

We all use cell phones, and Bluetooth headsets, or have WiFi running in our homes and offices 24/7. Compared to that, under 5-milliwatts, at two inches from your microwave oven while you’re cooking, becomes relatively trivial.

Other Microwave Myths


Myth: 1 Microwave ovens remove all the nutrients from your food.

Truth: All cooking methods alter the nutrient value of food.

In reality, according to WebMD, a microwave is near the top of the list for nutritionally sound food-preparation methods.

Boiling food and then dumping that water down the drain is probably the ultimate offender for removing nutritional value from food.

Myth: Microwave ovens are only for reheating food, not for cooking from scratch.

Truth: Did you know your microwave has powers.

None of us would cook everything at 450º in our gas oven, so why cook everything on high, in the microwave. 

A microwave oven is perfectly capable of cooking raw food from start to finish. Learn to use the power settings on your microwave just like you do for your oven temperatures. You’ll be amazed at what you can cook.

Myth: Microwave ovens don’t brown your food.

Truth: That one, at least, is partially true.

The problem here isn’t as much that the microwave does not brown food as it is, that you don’t own the proper cookware to do what you want when cooking with a microwave.

Use cookware designed for the microwave, and you’ll not only be able to cook from scratch but brown food well.

If you’re interested in learning more about pots and pans designed for your microwave, I’d suggest checking out my wife’s Facebook page here.

How Long Have Microwave Ovens Been In Homes

According to, The first domestic microwave oven was introduced – in 1955. Yep, we’ve been using microwave ovens in our homes now for over 65 years.

Yet after all these years, people still buy tiny little microwave ovens and use them for little more than to reheat frozen food, pop a bag of microwave popcorn or warm up a cup of coffee.

Why We Only Pick 3

There are a lot of choices when it comes to countertop kitchen appliances, including everything from toasters to coffee makers, toaster ovens to microwave ovens, and slow cookers to instant pots or even air fryers. Then, once you decide what appliances would work for you, come choices like quality, size, and features. The list keeps going and growing.

At Plum Cookin’, we know every home, and every family has a different budget. So rather than dragging you through a long list of the top 10 or 20, only to discover the best one is either far more than you need or way outside the family budget, we only offer you our #1 picks in 3 different categories.

Our #1 pick for Overall Favorite,

This pick will always be the overall workhorse in that category we think will do a great job in just about any home kitchen.

Our #1 Pick for a Great Upgrade,

We feel this pick is a cut above the rest and while the price may be more than our favorite, or even a little more than some would like to pay. If you’re looking for the top-of-the-line, with the most features and quality that’s hard to match, This is your pick.

Out #1 Budget Pick

Our budget pick may be missing a few of the bells and whistles found with some others, but they’re still some of the highest quality out there. They are well equipped to handle most of the needs in the average home kitchen and maybe even a few you’ve never thought of before. All without breaking the monthly family budget in two.

Our Top Picks

The top of the line to fit any budget

Our Favorite

Toshiba 3-in-1 EC042A5C-SS

Stylish Stainless Steel Finish with easy to clean Stainless Steel interior:

Combines microwave and convection cooking in one appliance:

Pre-programmed sensor menu:

One touch popcorn button and warm-hold function:

Power-saving eco mode, sound on/off option and child safety lock

1000 watts with 10 power settings:


Panasonic Microwave Oven NN-SN966S

1250 Watt high power

Inverter Technology with Turbo Defrost:

Large Family Size:

Smart Cooking Settings with Genius Sensor:

14 preset menu items, quick minute timer, delay start, and child safety lock

Keep Warm Feature:

Budget Choice


Pre-programmed sensor menu:

Stylish Appearance:

1.2 cubic foot capacity:

1100 watts:

10 power settings:

Mute Function:

Warranty 1 year, please keep the packaging for contacting Toshiba after service and product returns.

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