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7.2 Simple Rules To Save Money On Groceries


Never Shop For Groceries When You’re Hungry

1. Buy In Bulk Whenever Possible To Save Money

There are numerous ways you could save money on groceries. One of the best ways is to buy in bulk and countless places to shop, but buying in bulk is the key, and a 50-pound bag of flour should be “and often is” cheaper per pound than a 5-pound bag.

In truth, buying in bulk can save money, but if you think a 50-pound bag of flour may not be practical in your particular situation, give a 25-pound bag some thought.

The practical shelf life of anything purchased in bulk depends on proper storage and how quickly you use it.

Every household is different, personal needs change, and you are the only one who can determine what will or will not work for you.

2. Always Use Good Storage Techniques

Storage is the highest priority when buying in bulk.
Always remember your goal is to save money and what you throw away is the most expensive food you will ever buy. In that case, you haven’t saved a dime.

If you’re looking for a dependable way to start storing things in bulk, I have had great success with food-grade, 5-gallon plastic buckets with an airtight gamma seal.
These containers are inexpensive, easy to open, and widely available through local retailers or online through Amazon.

A gamma seal replaces the hard-to-open peel-off seals you think of on this type of bucket with an easy-open, airtight, screw-on seal.
An airtight seal prevents moisture from getting to your dry foods and keeps things like mice or bugs from knowing the food is in your home.

3. Always Look for Sales And Discounts

We all know we can save money when the local grocery store has specials or offers discounts and coupons, double coupon days, or discounted products for members.
Take full advantage of these things but be careful, you may occasionally find that 25 pounds worth of 5-pound bags can be cheaper than a single 25-pounder (especially if you’re only shopping at your local grocery store}.

4. Look For Stores That Specialize In Bulk Products

Buying in bulk can save money. Many stores focus on bulk items, but you might have to do a little digging to find them.

As for listing which ones have the best prices on bulk foods, it can be a little tough to say which stores have the best prices. Some stores sell certain items cheaper than others, while other food items you find may be more expensive.

Comparing the price of each item at several different locations before purchasing is the only way to ensure you are getting the best deal.

A few suggestions to save money at local stores would be Costco or Sam’s Club memberships, or if membership is not an option for you, then I might suggest checking out Walmart or Save A Lot.

However, if you really want to save money and you are lucky enough to live near an Amish community, I strongly suggest looking for bulk foods in their area.

Of course, online is another option to save money and does come with the advantage of everything being delivered right to your door. Just be sure to count the cost of shipping into the cost of your bulk food purchases.

A few great resources for online bulk foods plus more would be

5. Buy Store-Brand Products Or Generics

Another great way to to save money on groceries is to look for generic or store brand products. Often, store-brand and generic products are the same name-brand products made by the same manufacturers, just packaged with different labels.
Hey, 50 cents less is 50 cents still in your pocket.

6. Buy Produce When It Is In Season

In the produce section of today’s grocery stores, you would almost think fruits and vegetables grow all year, and you’d be right, “sort of.”
You’d be hard-pressed to find single varieties of fresh fruits or vegetables from your area year-round, and if it’s ripe during May in one place, it will be available during August in another.
Produce is shipped around the world when it is in season from one area or another, but when a particular variety of produce is in season from your region, you can likely find it at the best price all year.

7. The Family/Neighbors That Shop Together – Save Together

Sadly, this money-saving technique is one that frequently gets overlooked, but there is strength in numbers, so consider buying bulk and dividing it with family and friends.

For example, I can get 10-pound bags of Russet potatoes at the store nearby for $4.70 or 47 cents per pound.
Elsewhere, a 50-pound bag of Russet potatoes will cost me as little as $2.95 or 26 cents per pound.
Dividing that into 10-pound bags means my grown kids, neighbors, and I can get a 10-pound bag for $2.60 each.

7.2 Never Shop For Groceries When You’re Hungry

I think this could go without saying, and yet, I see people do it all the time. Trust me, if I see this happening, the store management sees this also and they do everything they can to capitalize on it as well. That’s why the ready-to-eat food and the hot food to go are usually found in the front of the store. You know what I’m talking about, the rotisserie chicken, the jalapeno poppers, candy bars, soda, etc. They will tempt you when you walk in and again while walking out.

Looking For Other Money Saving Ideas

Why not check out our Kitchen Tool Review

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